lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Las revueltas de Egipto en 12 historias

A medida que la rebelión en Egipto entra en su sexta noche, los medios sociales de comunicación están activos en todo el mundo, menos en el interior de Egipto, el gobierno ha cerrado oficialmente Internet en Egipto, con lo que el flujo de información del país se hace gota a gota. Sin embargo, con los recursos de Twitter y Facebook, los usuarios todavía pueden manejar para obtener los tweets y los mensajes SMS fuera del país utilizando métodos ingeniosos.( clever methods).

... (El resto del texto original )Why is there an uprising going on in Egypt? Egyptians are rebelling against the nearly 30-year reign of President Hosni Mubarak and the government corruption associated with his regime. The country’s troubles include a lack of jobs and poor living conditions, and the protesters charge the ruling elite with squandering the country’s resources. They want Mubarak out.

We’ve been closely watching the social media aspects of this revolution since it began, and in case you missed our coverage, here’s a recap:

8-Year-Old Girl Lectures Egypt’s Mubarak on YouTube [VIDEO]

Twitter Declares, “The Tweets Must Flow”

BlackBerry Service Restored in Cairo? [UPDATED]

Visualizing Egypt’s Internet Blackout [GRAPHIC]

Facebook & Twitter Both Blocked in Egypt

Leaders React to Communication Blackout at World Economic Forum in Davos [VIDEO]

How Users in Egypt Are Bypassing Twitter & Facebook Blocks

Internet Reportedly Down in Syria

The Twitterverse Responds to Protests in Egypt [STATS]

Twitter Blocked in Egypt As Protests Turn Violent

YouTube, Flickr Show Escalating Violence in Egyptian Protests

Internet Access & SMS Blocked in Egypt as Protests Escalate

Fuente: Mashable

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